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Psychoanalysis a much more intensive and in-depth treatment than psychotherapy. The person seeking treatment comes more frequently, which gives us much more room to explore and understand the conscious and unconscious components of the person's psychic pain. All different kinds of people can benefit from analysis but in order to see if it’s right for you, we would have some time to discuss and explore the goals, fears, hopes and concerns. 

Most analyses have made profound changes in the person's life. And yet it’s always impossible to say precisely what might shift when we start. Sometimes there are explicit goals, sometimes there are underlying structures that have made it impossible to live more fully, sometimes there is one aspect in a person's life that feels impossibly stuck. In other cases, there has never been a sense that one could have a different kind of existence. In most cases, there is an alleviation of stress and a development of greater access to different parts of the self. 

Because the nature of psychological struggles is so highly individual, it’s also impossible to determine in advance how long an analysis should be. All that I can guarantee is that I will always be open to talking, thinking, supporting the patient through the process from beginning, middle and ending (whatever that might look like for each individual).  

Psychoanalysis has a rich tradition of scholarship and inquiry. It is, in many ways, a process by which one gains a deeper sense of self through the help of another person who has gone through extensive training and who is a good match in heart and mind.